Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fire breaks out at East Siberian aluminum plant, one dead

Residents of the southeastern Siberian city of Shelekhov had to put on facemasks to protect themselves from possible airborne contaminants after a blaze at a local aluminum plant killed at least one person.
The fire broke out at one of the plant's sections early on Tuesday and quickly spread to the roof, destroying some 700 square meters. One worker was killed; another was taken to hospital with burn injuries.
Eyewitnesses said the fire was caused by a blast, though officials have dismissed the reports.
Though authorities ordered to close the majority of schools and kindergartens in Shelekhov and recommended residents to remain indoors, people still can be seen in the streets, wearing facemasks.
"The sky above the city is clear, there is no panic. Emergency situations at the Irkutsk aluminum plant and its pollutants are a common occurrence here, we are used to it," a city resident told RIA Novosti.
The blaze released a cloud of smoke, which moved towards the neighboring city of Angarsk. Experts said harmful substances might have been released into the air, though the local sanitary watchdog, doctors and rescue services announced the cloud posed no threat.
"In this case, the only threat is carbon monoxide poisoning," a medic told RIA Novosti. "We are working as usual."
Sanitary authorities in Angarsk said samples of air showed no dangerous levels of toxic substances. The situation is being monitored with another test to be carried out on Tuesday afternoon.
IRKUTSK, February 2 (RIA Novosti)

Witnesses said they heard a blast prior to the fire....possible molten metal steam explosion, or dust explosion?

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