Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Illegal" Aluminium Factory Blows Up

On the morning of Tuesday April 10, a residential neighborhood in a small city in Northern India, woke up to a powerful blast. The blast arose from an illegal factory running from a two-room house. Five workers were present in the factory at the time of the explosion leaving one worker dead, his co workers and three members of a family living next door, injured.

District police arrested the factory owner and sealed the premises which had a gas and diesel furnace used in melting the aluminium for the molding purpose (utensil manufacturing).

Blast was so powerful that factory roof was damaged and cracks appeared in the house next-door, resulting into the injuries to the occupants.

To prevent re-occurrence of any more molten aluminium explosions this "illegal" factory should remain shutdown. 

Please comment! 


  1. So it happens everywhere illegal, arms, drugs and now foundries. Do you mean to say it was not known to the authorities?

  2. Thanks for the comment, yes we mean the factory was not known to authorities. The newspaper used the word "illegal" in the article detailing the explosion.

  3. Very few things happen wiothout the knowledge of the Authorities. We believe their statements.

  4. In business,not everything is black or white,there are grey areas too. The businessman exploits these grey areas to hi advantage. as long as his luck runs,good,when a disaster happens it is immediately designated illegal.

    This Sunday,there was an explosion of a boiler in Northern India,in a company manufacturing blankets. Three floors of the building collapsed and about 50 workmen are still under the debris. This happened in a residential area,normally industries are not allowed to operate in residential areas ,but political and money clout over rides all!!

  5. Safety norms are thrown to the wind everywhere both in legal and illegal production zones-as Arun says it luck runs but not for ever.

  6. Working with Aluminum is like trying to defuse a bomb, extensive safety training and practices and procedures are essential, a failure to do so put you employees and your plant at risk of death and destruction of the facility it self.

  7. Dear all expert, could you leave some more info about the safety training , practice and proceddures to work with aluminum. thanks

  8. Thanks for commenting. What safety training/practices/procedures are you looking for in particular?


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