Friday, August 17, 2012

One Million.............

Overall our industry has a stellar safety record. One tends to forget that with the number of incidents over the past six months. This story represents the hard work and sustainability of one particular plant on safety. The APSB wishes congratulations to all the workers at the Novelis Berea plant in the United States.

The Novelis Berea plant is being lauded for going over one million hours without a lost-time injury to one of it's workers

Novelis Inc and it's 120 employs were given last month the Kentucky Governor's Safety and Health Award.

They have worked 1,251,330 hours without an injury or illness that causes time away from work.

Novelis's plant in Berea, Kentucky melts down recycled cans to produce sheet ingots for use in the production of new aluminium beverage cans.

Kentucky Labor Cabinet's Department of Workplace Standards Commission presented the award at the plant last month.

1 comment:

  1. Well done!!!. Achieving any HSE milestone warrants a level of recognition. This measure of success however is a key element in the continuous improvement cycle. Often I have seen organisations reach the targent then bingo. The trick being to keep that focus there. We achieved 2 million plus then dropped the ball, but we are back on the road again just passing 1 million our new target is 3 million without an lost time or time off work event


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