Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Foot crushed at aluminium plant....

Personal protection equipment in our industry vary depending on the work performed. Most facilities require some sort of head, eye, ear and foot protection to be worn while onsite. Foot protection (e.g., boots) vary from plant to plant. 

Here is a recent incident:

Emergency personnel were called during the week December 2, 2012 at an aluminium company in the Midwest United States. Emergency personnel were called to respond to a report of an accident involving heavy equipment that fell on a man's foot and crushed his toe, according to police scanner reports. Emergency personnel were to transport the injured to a local hospital. No other details were immediately available.

Occupational Health & Safety Administration has a pamphlet on Personal Protection Equipment which can be viewed here: 

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety Administration has an informative document about foot wear in the workplace, it can be viewed here.

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