Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Outside Contractor Killed At Aluminium Plant

Our plants face a conundrum on how to effectively train the many outside contractors who enter our plants on a daily basis.

Some companies do a great job, while some plants would agree that there is room for improvement. 

Over the past 12 months, the APSB knows of 6 contractor employees that were killed in aluminium plants. Here is a recent story.

An employee working as an external contractor at an extrusion plant in France died of work related injuries incurred while moving a piece of equipment at the plant at the beginning of March, 2013.

The accident occurred when the contractor and three other associates from a local company specializing in moving heavy equipment, were working to remove a heavy punch press. The root cause of the accident is not known. 

All relevant authorities had been notified of the accident. Police and medical services were on site. The aluminium company has also established an internal investigation, in cooperation with the local contractor.

An informative slideshow regarding contractor safety by James E. Roughton, CSP,CRSP, CHMM can be found here.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration has an informative document regarding contractor lock out tag out training. It can be found be here.

If you have any furthers sources for safety training of outside contractors, please forward them to the APSB.

1 comment:

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