Monday, June 24, 2013

EMAL celebrates 25 million safe work hours....

Positive stories about health and safety in our plants are always welcome at the APSB. These stories can be used as motivation for plant managers to challenge their workers (and outside contractors who are working in their plant) to reach for a goal that may seem untenable.

Here is a great story:

Emirates Aluminium Company (EMAL), said it has achieved a safety milestone with a  record 25 million safe work hours without a songle Lost Time incident (LTI) in April 2013 in the Phase II project implementation.

This was achieved just nine months after celebrating the milestone safety achievement of 10 million work-hours with zero LTI.

With a current site population of over 12,000 project workers and their management representatives workers, the impressive Phase II occation was marked by a formal on-site ceremony in the presence of Emal president and CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei.

Commenting on the achievement, Al Mazrooei said: "Excellence in all we undertake is evident by the relentless consistency in performance by our employees and contractors alike, reflecting the common values, co-operation and sound project management."

"It is there common values that have ensured Phase II maintans an impeccable safety record, whilst reaching expansion milestones on plan, on schedule, and within budget. The feats so far will encourage and drive us forward as we continue to safely and responsibily accomplish the ambitious goals we have set for ourselves," he added.

Testament to the constantly evolving Emal culture of "Safety first, last and always" cultivated since the landmark industrial diversification project's inception. The ceremony included the UAE company's quarterly environmental health and safety awards for the top three best performing contractors.

Along with award winning contractor representatives from William Hare (UAE), Alucore, and ELC-SAS were the members of Emal Phase II Project Team.

Congratulations to EMAL and their onsite contractors for operating safely. There is no doubt that EMAL and their onsite contractors have worked together to achieve this record. 

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