Monday, June 10, 2013

Normal Maintenance Procedure Results in 911 Calls

Nearby residents are oblivious to normal maintenance procedures that occur in our plants on a daily basis. There are on occasion some maintenance activities that arise (no pun intended) that bring unwanted attention of passersby and local residents. This attention commonly results in calls to local authorities. The APSB has decided to keep this plant anonymous, because this issue occurs more frequently in our industry then we  are aware of. 

Here is the story:

From a local television station:

Firefighters have been called to an aluminium factory during the week of April 21, 2013. The scene is at an aluminium products and recycling factory.

There was heavy smoke pouring from the building.

The television station has a crew at the scene and will bring you more information as it becomes available.

The following day.

Just one day after a fiery explosion, the television station received several calls about another fire in the sky, this time (at the aluminium plant).

A viewer sent us a picture of the aluminium plant.

Fire officials tell us the large flame attracted a lot of attention, but there was never a reason to worry. Workers were removing propane tanks and were burning off the excess.

One of the passers by video tape the smoke and posted to the video to Youtube. After viewing the photos and the video, it is understandable that the local authorities were contacted. 

The APSB assumes that the local authorities were notified prior to the propane tanks being burned off. Understandably, the local media was not forewarn. It might be recommended in the future to have a press release printed and ready to be handed out to the television news personnel when the arrive at the gate. 

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