Thursday, July 11, 2013

1400 Days No Accidents = $$$

How can you motivate a worker to be safe? There are many methods. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has a recent story on how one facility motivates their workers. 

There are various methods of motivation that have been found to be successful in terms of promoting safety. Two of the most common methods that the APSB has viewed are by presenting awards (spotlighting the individual) and surprisingly awarding prime parking spots to workers who are safe. 

Fear of losing one's job is another motivation. As well as fear of hurting themselves is motivating tool that a lot of workers have told the APSB that they follow.

Not wanting to flood the company in this story with resumes, the APSB has chosen to keep the the die casting company name anonymous. Here is the story:

During the beginning of June 2013 a die casting company in the United States gave away $200 USD to four team member as a safety award for going 1400 days without a work related accident, that is over three (3) years. 

The die casting company has very good team members who look out for and report any potentially unsafe working conditions. The company gone over 1400 days without a work related accident. Today, we had a drawing of which four manufacturing team members will the $200 award. 

Congratulations, to the winners but the real winners are the entire die casting company's staff who work safely and care about each other and have not had a work related accident in over 3 years.

How does your company motivate their workers to be safe? Please comment.


  1. Me and my arizona car accident attorney thinks that you could try to motivate them through rewards and bonuses. Tell them that they'll be rewarded if they're accident free for the next 6 months or so. Something like that.

  2. This incentive program appears to be counter to the guidance provided by OSHA for safety incentive programs.

    They appear to have begun enforcement of this policy.


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