Sunday, October 13, 2013

10 Days Until the Casthouse Safety Workshop....

The Aluminium  Plant Safety Blog has posted about the importance of safety training in our industry. The Aluminum Association (USA) started the Regional Casthouse Safety Workshop over 20 years ago. In ten (10) days the next workshop will occur October 23-24, in Columbus, Ohio.

The program's longevity is due to the diligence of the past and present associates of the Aluminium Association. As well as the great support from the industry. This upcoming program has some of the most well known and respected safety professionals in our industry. 

Accolades have to also be handed out for the presenters whose ability to change and modify their presentations has resulted in keeping their safety information up to date. 

It is not too late to attend. Here is the program.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for promoting this!

    As a former presented at these workshops I can vouch for the wealth of information the participants receive. More importantly it is delivered by folks who live these issues, not classroom trainers.

    Dave L.


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