Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Alba Administration begins HSE Week

Every company's goal in our industry should be zero-accidents. If that is not your company's goal.... You need to reevaluate your goals, zero accidents should be everyone's goal. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has a recent story of one of the leading companies in our field, Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (i.e., Alba). Alba has proclaimed to their workers, contractors, and to the world that their goal is zero accidents. The proclamation has been led  by the management of Alba who have done a great deal of work on ensuring a safe working environment.

Here is the story:

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba)’s Administration Department today (Tuesday, January 21, 2014) launched its HSE Week under the theme “Together, We Build a Safe Culture”, encompassing administration employees across all departments at Alba.

The HSE event - to be held from January 21 to 23, 2014 - will feature presentations, films and discussions highlighting administration safety issues as well as conduct safety drills, inspection walks and HSE quiz competitions for employees.

The ceremony was inaugurated by Alba’s Chief Executive, Tim Murray along with Chief Marketing Officer, Jean Baptiste Lucas, Chief Financial Officer Ali Al Baqali, Chairman of Alba Labour Union, Ali Al Binali, Acting Director for Administration, Abdul Rahman Janahi and attended by various other department managers as well as employees.

Commenting on the HSE Week, Acting Director for Administration, Abdul Rahman Janahi, said:

“Safety is, and continues to remain Alba’s topmost priority. The HSE Week is one of the most effective ways to strengthen the culture of safety both at and off work. The Admin HSE Week aims to promote safety by making individuals as well as teams work together and take ownership of safety.”

Alba maintains safety awareness campaigns throughout the year, and this is accomplished through the weekly safety hours, safety talk before each shift, the annual HSE Week for all the departments, and the individual Department-led HSE Week, which specifically focus on safety issues related to the departments.

These are the stories that the Aluminium Plant Safety Blog loves to post. This a post of a company that "get's it", that promoting and supporting a safe work environment infects every aspect of their operation. Alba is a company that all in our industry should want to emulate. Congratulations to everyone at Alba! We are so very proud of you. Keep up the great work! The APSB cannot wait to see what's next for Alba.

When the APSB posts incidents involving a worker(s) that has been injured or killed it's done with a heavy heart. It breaks our heart when an incident involves an injury or fatality. In most cases the incident is a recurrence of an earlier incident. The company, the location, etc. may change, but the hazard is the same. In 2013, the APSB was made aware of 5 deaths due to moveable equipment. Those 5 deaths were preventable. Our hope, our wish, our goal is that by bringing awareness to safety incidents brings education and prevention of recurrence.

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