Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Resolution...

The Aluminium Plant Safety blog in 2013 informed about accidents and near misses that occur in aluminium plants, cast houses, foundries, smelters, etc.  around the world. 

The incidents included but were not limited to dust, molten metal steam explosions, fires, moving vehicles accidents, confined space, etc.. 

It has been this blog's intention not to place blame on either company nor worker(s), but the hope that awareness of these accidents brings education and prevention of recurrence.

In addition to posting incidents the APSB posted stories of safety successes in our industry. Those stories involved safety awards, safety days, zero accident records, etc. That information is much more difficult to find then incidents involving injuries or fatalities. The APSB would love to hear about any safety successes at your plant or within our industry. 

It is our hope that in 2014 that our industy will have zero accidents and only safety successes are posted on the Aluminium Plant Safety Blog. 

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