Monday, March 10, 2014

"3 BOMBS are set to go off @ 11:30, 11:55, 12..."

Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the workplace. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has a recent story involving an aluminium plant that suffered under numerous bomb threats. There are two main reasons someone may call with a bomb threat: the person knows of an explosive device that is in place, and wants to minimize injuries; or the person wants to create an environment of panic/confusion or to interrupt normal work functions. Here is the story: 

Two workers have been charged for bomb threats at an aluminium company in the Midwest United States during the week of December 8, 2013.

According to the criminal complaints, the local police department was investigating a number of bomb threats made over the past two years at the aluminium company.

One worker admitted to officers that they were responsible for the note found in a men’s bathroom in the beginning of February, 2013 claiming one bomb would go off that day. 

A second worker admitted to writing a note found in a men’s bathroom in October 2013 claiming three bombs would go off that day.

Both said they just wanted to leave work early. When asked why they wrote the notes, the first worker stated "did not want to be at work", explaining that they were sick from heroin withdrawal and needed to leave.

Here is the criminal report investigation (individual's names have been removed):

Police investigator, (City) Police Department, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says on information and belief:


The above-named defendant on Friday, February 01, 2013, in the, did intentionally convey or caused to be conveyed a threat or false information, knowing such to be false, concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy any property by the means of explosives. Upon conviction for this offense, a Class I Felony, the defendant may be fined not more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), or imprisoned not more than three (3) years and six (6) months, or both.

The basis of complainant’s charge of such offense is: Official reports prepared by Detectives (two name removed) reports indicate that on October 2013, Detective received communication from an employee of an aluminium company which explained that there had been a bomb threat at on October 20, 2013. Detective learned through his investigation that there had been a number of bomb threats at the business between January of 2012 and October of 2013. Two dates upon which there were threats were February 1, 2013 and October 20, 2013.

Detective was provided the threat made on October 20, 2013. The threat was written in green ink on a piece of white paper and stated, “3 BOMBS are set to go off @ 11:30, 11:55, 12 all are in different areas along with soda cans In alloy.”

Documents provided to Detective indicated that on October 20, 2013, a third shift employee, found the note on the floor in the men’s bathroom. The note was taken to a third shift supervisor who noted that one of the times on the note had already passed. A sweep was performed of the facility and all alloy operations were diligently monitored. Ultimately, the business determined that the threat was non-credible so no additional action was deemed necessary.

On November 6, 2013, Detective performed an interview with an aluminium company employee. That employee advised that she was aware of threats that occurred at the aluminium company but had only been working during one of the threats, specifically the threat from October 20, 2013. She advised that somewhere near the end of second shift on that day at approximately 10:00PM, she observed two other co-workers talking. The two were approximately six feet away from her at the time. She observed the one worker turn his back somewhat away from her and show the second worker a note. She described the piece of paper the note was written on as being from the casting area. She advised that the note did not look crisp, instead was crinkled on the sides. She added that it looked like it had been in the first worker's pocket and had a crumpled appearance. She also advised that the note had green colored writing on it. She informed Detective that the two workers started laughing or chuckling, which she thought seemed out of the ordinary.

She advised that approximately ten minutes passed before she went to the first worker and asked him what he and the other worker had been talking about because it seemed odd. At the time, the first worker was no longer by the second worker. The worker told her that the worker was planning on putting a bomb threat in a bathroom at shift change so no one would know who did it. She advised that the worker was apparently leaving the note so he could leave work early. The worker further informed her that the other worker wrote the note with his left hand so no one would be able to track the handwriting.

Detective was later provided video from the aluminium company showing the door to the bathroom where the note had been found. The video showed defendant entering the bathroom, only to exit just over one minute later.

Your complainant has been informed by Assistant District Attorney that according to Detective, he performed an interview with the defendant on December 8, 2013. During the interview, the defendant admitted that he wrote and left the bomb threat at the aluminium company on October 20, 2013.

Detective reports that he assisted the other Detective with an interview of an individual, , on December 9, 2013. The defendant was provided her Miranda Rights, which she indicated that she understood and was willing to waive to answer questions. She acknowledged that she previously worked at the aluminium company. Detective explained to the defendant that he was performing an extensive investigation into the bomb threats at the business. He further advised the defendant that he confirmed with the aluminium company that she had worked at the business for approximately three weeks, during which time there had been four bomb threats to the business. The defendant informed Detective that she was responsible for one of the bomb threats. She advised that she wrote a bomb threat on a note and taped it to a wall on the doorframe inside of a men’s bathroom inside the business. When asked why she wrote the note, she stated that she did not want to be at work, explaining that she was sick from heroin withdrawal and needed to leave. Detective showed the defendant a photograph of the bomb threat made at the aluminium company on February 1, 2013. The defendant acknowledged that the note was the one that she wrote and left in the bathroom.

Your Complainant has been advised by Assistant District Attorney that according to a review of a photograph of the February 01, 2013, note, which was provided by Detective, the note read “There will be a bomb set off at 4:00 AM today.”


A former aluminium plant worker (the 2nd worker listed above) has been sentenced to jail for making bomb threats at a local factory where he worked so he could go home early.

The individual was sentenced this week by a local Circuit Court Judge to three months jail followed by three years probation. He was also ordered to pay over $7,000 USD in restitution.

The worker earlier pleaded no contest as part of a plea deal to creating a bomb scare. The felony charge carries a maximum 18 months in prison.

The APSB wishes that both workers are prosecuted for breaking the law. As well as get the substance abuse assistance that they might need.

It has come to our attention that the aluminium company's name was listed above. That was an unintentional mistake, for which we apologize.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has a document that should be used when a bomb threat call comes in. 

Here is a video on procedures for handling a bomb threat which incorporates the above document.

Has your facility suffered under a bomb threat? Please comment.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what kind of nitwit leaves a bomb threat note inside their own place of employment until I go to the line about him blaming being sick due to heroin withdrawal. Someone should counsel them that withdrawal is when they cease using the drug, they were simply sobering up.


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