Friday, April 11, 2014

"reportedly lost sight in his eye...."

Thousands of people are blinded each year from work-related eye injuries that could have been prevented with the proper selection and use of eye and face protection. Here is a recent story emphasizing the need for the proper selection and use of eye and face protection:

A man has been rushed to hospital 100 kilometers away with serious injuries after a caustic spill at an Australian alumina refinery. Department of Mines and Petroleum spokesman said a worker sustained severe burns to his left eye and lower body about 11.40 am on day during the week of March 9, 2014.

He said the man was airlifted to a hospital 100 kilometers away. The incident involved an uncontrolled release of caustic solution in the precipitation area. “Two inspectors from the department’s Resources Safety Division were on site yesterday to commence an investigation,” Department of Mines and Petroleum spokesman said. “Aluminium company reported the incident as required and is also conducting a full internal investigation.”

The man, who has reportedly lost sight in his left eye, was admitted to the burns unit at a trauma hospital. He remains at the hospital in a stable condition. Caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide, is a chemical compound that reacts strongly when dissolved in water. The reaction produces copious amounts of heat. The aluminium company uses caustic soda in the first step of its Bayer Processing System to extract alumina from bauxite ore.

Here is another news article about the incident.

An Aluminium company worker has suffered serious burns after a caustic spill at its Alumina refinery. The man, believed to be a young father, was burnt in the left eye and lower body and airlifted to 100 kilometers to a hospital on Tuesday where he remains in stable condition in the burns unit. The man is a process operator at the refinery and was burnt during 'routine operations' at 11.40am.

An Aluminium company spokeswoman said the company would not provide further details on the incident.  The Department of Mines and Petroleum's Resources Safety Division have launched an investigation.

Aluminium company use a caustic solution at extreme temperatures to dissolve bauxite and eventually extract alumina. The company is the world's largest producer of alumina, which is then used in aluminium. Resources Safety Executive Director said two inspectors from the department were on site yesterday to commence an investigation.

"Aluminium company reported the incident as required and is also conducting a full internal investigation," Department of Mines and Petroleum spokesman said.

"The department is unable to comment further while the investigation is underway." Sources tell the news media that the man has lost the sight in one of his eyes.

The APSB prays that this injured worker recovers fully. In addition the injured worker and any his coworkers should be offered counseling if requested.

Here is a safety video regarding general eye protection:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has useful information on eye protection which can be found here.
Whereas the Health And  Safety Executive (UK) has information regarding eye protection which can be found here.

The following statement from OSHA should be taken to heart: " Do Not Rely on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) devices alone to provide against hazards. Use PPE in conjunction with guards, engineering controls, and sound manufacturing practices."

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