Friday, June 27, 2014

"a huge explosion sounded from the factory....."

Social media has resulted in bringing awareness to incidents that in past would have been only known locally. The role of amateur news reporters has grown as has social media. Here is a recent incident that would have been unknown if it was not for social media.

A manufacturer of aluminum foil, Akindo, which is located Tangerang City, Indonesia engulfed in the flames during the week of May 25, 2014.

Based on information collected the fire incident occurred at approximately 16:00 pm in the afternoon. It began when a huge explosion sounded from the factory, and soon the fire spread out so quickly and spread throughout the building.

"Infonya was no explosion, he does the gas tube in the upper room of the building exploded, no longer appear and fire employees topsy turvy," said Warno (42), a trader that is not far from the location of the plant.

Monitoring the location, a number of fire trucks from local departments seem still trying to tame the flames were getting bigger as winds at that location.

As a result of these events, long traffic jams occur along Jalan Daan. That's because the position of the factory which is right alongside a road.

No workers were injured in this fire. This incident shows how social media can play a part informing when an incident occurs. The APSB has posted incidents before where a non-incident became a news story because of a posting on social media. The APSB recommends that aluminium companies track their company names on the various social media websites to prevent non-incidents from becoming news stories. As well as be able to comment when an incident does occur. A number of years ago a plant video showing a molten metal explosion was posted on YouTube. The comments that followed disparaged the aluminium company. For whatever reason the aluminium company did not post a comment which fed the naysayers that the aluminium company was unsafe. That video has over 200,000 views and negative comments are still being posted. 

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