Wednesday, July 9, 2014

491,955 man-hours without a Loss Time Accident....

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog loves to post positive stories about safety in our industry. These stories can and should be used as motivation for everyone. Here is a recent story that can be used as motivation:

Imperial Die Casting, a division of RCM Industries, has been awarded a prestigious “Safety Achievement Award”, presented by Strategic Comp. Imperial worked 491,955 man hours from April 2013 through May 2014 without a single lost-time accident. This is an extremely significant achievement for a die casting company.

Achievements like this have allowed the RCM Industries family of companies to provide quality casting solutions to valued customers for over 60 years. Congratulations to Imperial Die Casting!

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog wants to congratulate all the employees at Imperial Die Casting, as well as RCM Industries for supporting their efforts in making their workplace safe. 

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