Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fire erupts in aluminum factory in Egypt....


An incident involving any number of hazards in our plants could lead to a fire. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents involving fires from incidents involving molten metal explosions, dust/fines, moveable equipment, etc. Here is a recent story:

During the week of July 13, 2014. Dozens of persons suffered from smoke inhalation after a fire erupted in an aluminum plant in Egypt.  Eight ambulances rushed to the scene to offer first aid to the wounded. Twelve cases were moved to hospital.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog prays that all the injured recover fully from their physical and mental injuries.

Unfortunately, the media story does not provide much information regarding how the fire began. Nevertheless, this incident occurred, people were injured. The mantra of the APSB is “…. the hope that awareness of these accidents brings education and prevention of recurrence.” The APSB debated posting this incident because of the lack of information regarding which hazard contributed to starting the fire. Nevertheless, we chose to post this incident. Hopefully you will look at your plant’s hazard with a closer eye.

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