Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Five Days To Be Safer.....

Annual plant safety days are growing in popularity in our industry. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has a great story of how one company chose to expand on the normal one day program to five days.  Plant wide safety events involve workers, contractors, vendors, and even the general public. Through a series of educational activities all personnel understand the importance of working together to prevent accidents. Here is the story:

In light of The Aluminum Association’s annual Regional Casthouse Safety Workshop taking place June 11th & 12th in Ontario, Calif., Almex USA is launching the #5DaysOfSafety campaign to promote safety awareness for aluminum casthouse operations.

To kick off #5DaysOfSafety, Almex is releasing an infographic outlining five (of the many) safety tips to consider when working with molten aluminum.  Almex will also be releasing individual blogs with valuable safety information and resources pertaining to each of the five topics listed in the infographic. (Click on the infographic below to enlarge.)

Feel free to contribute to #5DaysOfSafety by sharing a safety tip or story that you feel will help promote a safer aluminum casthouse environment. Sharing is caring.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog would like to congratulate Almex USA on taking the initiative to develop this program. Great job!

The APSB did not post the entire #5DaysOfSafety campaign, so we please ask you to click on any of the #5DaysOfSafety logo’s to be taken to the website.

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