Friday, August 29, 2014

"sentenced the men to from 18 to 22 years in prison...."

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents about workplace violence in the past. One particular incident involved a terrorist plot to detonate a bomb in an aluminium smelter. Here is a recent update on that story:

Tajikistan's top court has handed down lengthy prison sentences for seven men found guilty of plotting a terrorist act on TALCO, the largest aluminum plant in Central Asia. The Supreme Court sentenced the men to from 18 to 22 years in prison on August 12. A court statement said they were "found guilty of banditry, seeking to overthrow the government, organizing an extremist group, terrorism, illegal weapons possession, and other charges."

The men deny the charges as baseless.

All defendants are ethnic Uzbeks, residents of western Tursunzoda district, where the plant is located.  At least one of them was a TALCO employee. Police announced the arrests of the men in April. 

TALCO employs some 10,000 workers and is considered Tajikistan's greatest industrial asset.

The original post can be found here. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog commends all that were involved in stopping this terror plot.

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