Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The importance of proper fire extinguisher use cannot be understated. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents where improper fire extinguisher use resulted in making a small fire grow.

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher (P-A-S-S Procedure)
Follow the 4-step P-A-S-S procedure
1. Pull the pin (release the lock latch or press the punch lever).
2. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
3. Squeeze or press the trigger.
4. Sweep the extinguisher from side to side.

Every aluminium plant’s emergency action plan should include fire extinguisher training, placement, etc. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration has useful information here about fire extinguisher use and training.

The Fire Equipment Manufacturer Association has a useful video of the PASS method of fire extinguisher operation.

The video did miss on one important item. In our industry the Class D fire extinguisher is used to fight fires where aluminium (dust, shaving, etc.) is the fuel.

Here is a video showing why on a Class D fire extinguisher should be used when fighting metal fueled fires.

Tips For Safe Use of a Fire Extinguisher
• Test that the extinguisher works before you approach the fire
• Protect yourself at all times
• Take care. Speed is essential but it is more important to be cautious
• Keep your BACK TO THE EXIT – so you always have a way out of the room at all times
• Stand 2 to 2.4m (6 to 8 ft.) away from the fire

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