Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Alba Cast House achieves 2 million work hours without LTI !!!

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog goal is not to shame or place blame on our industry regarding safety incidents. On the contrary we are very proud of our industry and take great pleasure in posting when companies achieve safety records. Here is a recent positive story:

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), a champion of workplace safety and health, is pleased to announce that its Cast House has achieved 2,000,000 work hours without Loss Time Injury (LTI), thus demonstrating the Company’s commitment to safety and maintaining a zero-accident work environment.

Alba’s Executive Management and other managers congratulated all employees on this achievement and praised them for their proactive attitude and commitment towards safety.

Commenting on the safety milestone of 2 million working hours without LTI, Alba’s Chief Executive, Tim Murray said:

 “I congratulate and thank the employees of Cast House for accomplishing this feat, which represents the level of awareness of all Alba employees and their commitment to safety. Alba believes that all accidents and injuries are preventable, and constantly works at strengthening its safety culture by organising safety campaigns with the objective of achieving our goal of a zero accident work environment."

Alba strengthens its safety culture through weekly safety hours, safety talk before each shift, department-led HSE Week, safety reviews and observations, all of which are focussed on the Company’s ZERO Accident Principles: (1) Ownership of Safety is everyone’s responsibility; (2) Working Safely is a condition of employment and (3) All work-related injuries and illnesses are preventable.

Congratulations to Alba! If your plant or company has achieved a safety record, hosts a safety day, accepts a safety award, etc. please contact the APSB. Because positive safety news can serve as motivation to others in our industry.

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