Monday, February 9, 2015

156 firefighters, 25 engines, 4 water tankers.....

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents involving large plant fires. Here is a recent story involving a fire whose size has been unseen before by the APSB. In all honesty, we hope we never see a fire of this size again. Here is the story:

January 31, 2014, 4:25, dongchuan, Kunlun East Road, economic development zone, 23rd in Xining, Qinghai aluminium plant in a large warehouse fire. Through the Xining public security fire brigade 156 rescue workers nearly 4 hours, the fire was successfully extinguished. According to reports, the Department stores of the burning substance is kept in the House, firefighters arrived at the scene, the fire was in the stage was burning fiercely. In order to prevent the fire from spreading, 1191-six operational squadrons mobilized 24 fire engines and water supply group, 5 tankers, 156 people rushed to the scene to participate in the fire.


The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog is pleased that no one was injured in this incident. Our contacts in China have told the APSB that this warehouse stored “daily goods”. Which we are led to believe meant raw materials and stored finished product. As usual the root cause for this incident is not known at this moment. But, this recent story can be a learning experience for your plant. Showing the importance of training the local fire department. The APSB has posted incidents that showed what could go wrong when an untrained fire department responds to an emergency at an aluminium plant. The Aluminium Times magazine had an article about this same topic. Here it is:

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