Thursday, February 19, 2015

Safety is a breeze at Alba!

Safety should be a part of the daily environment of a plant. Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has developed safety programs that bring a continued focus on safety throughout the year. Here is a recent story of their good work to make their workers safer:

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), a leading aluminium smelter in the world, inaugurated the first plant-wide Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) Week of 2015 today, Sunday, February 15, 2015.

Organised in coordination with Alba Labour Union, the five-day event is designed to further reinforce Alba’s principles of safety and promote awareness of the importance of different safety, health and environment issues.

The SHE Week’s theme is “Safety Breeze”; each day will focus on a different theme -- Waste generation and segregation; Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders; Home Fire; Vehicles & Pedestrian Safety and Behavioural Safety.

The event will not involve a centralised location but comprise plant visits by the Executive Management, Managers and senior officials of the Company. During these visits, on–the-spot quizzes and competitions will be held, wherein employees stand a chance to win gifts and prizes.

Commenting on this occasion, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray said:
“At Alba, we continuously strive to achieve a zero accident work environment through employee-centric activities and programmes on safety awareness. As the first SHE Week event of the year, we intend to enhance employees' abilities and understanding of safety issues, as well as improve their behaviour, enabling them to perform more safely and efficiently."

Speaking about the SHE Week, Chairman of Alba Labour Union, Ali Al Binali said: “We at Alba stress on the importance of making safety a priority in all aspects of life. The SHE Week along with other similar events aims to create a safe working environment for all employees, for their own sake and for the sake of their families.”

Alba maintains safety awareness campaigns throughout the year, and this is accomplished through the weekly Monday safety hours, five-minute safety talk before each shift, or the annual SHE Week for all the departments

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog congratulates Alba for all that they do on a daily basis to provide a safe working environment. Alba in a short time has become an industry leader in safety. They continually impress the APSB with their unique safety campaigns that are carried out throughout the year. Many in our industry are wise to look to Alba for benchmarking and to emulate their safety programs. Keep up the good work!

If you aluminium plant is having a safety campaign, please let the APSB know about it.

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