Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5 million hours without LTI !

Successes that individual companies or individual locations is rarely reported in the news media. The following story should be covered by news media around the world as an example of a company that values safety and has placed a commitment and effort in promoting safety to its workers, contractors, and surrounding communities. Here is the story:

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), a leading aluminium smelter in the world, achieved a major milestone of 5 million hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. The Company last achieved this milestone in March 2008. The new milestone demonstrates Alba’s ongoing commitment to the safety and welfare of its employees and contractors at the workplace.

Commenting on this achievement, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray said: “I would like to thank everyone working in Alba for this significant achievement. This milestone was achieved as a result of the team effort between Management, Alba Labour Union, employees and contractors. I would like to specifically thank Alba Labour Union for their tremendous support in all safety activities, which played a critical role in achieving this success.

This milestone was achieved by Alba taking the Ownership on Safety. Looking forward, I urge everyone to continue to focus on the ZERO accident principles and I am sure working together as one family we can achieve ZERO LTIs in 2015.”

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog would like to congratulate Alba for this achievement. Alba is a company that has taken safety education, training and promotion to a new level. Many of their safety campaigns are used as benchmarks for many in our industry as well as companies outside our industry.

If your plant location, or company is celebrating a safety achievement the APSB would love to hear about it. Our goal about posting positive information is that we hope the reader will say “Look what so and so just did as a safety campaign, or look at their training program. I bet we could do the same thing here.” Well in most cases your plant can adapt safety campaigns or training programs to accomplish your goal.

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