Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Trailer flips, dumping aluminum coils..."

Hauling of finished product is done normally without any issues. The vast majority of finished product travel by truck at some point. Here is a recent story where the finished product did not make it to its destination.

An aluminum spill from a tractor-trailer carrying aluminum for ALCOA in Alcoa, Tennessee in the United States stopped traffic northbound on Alcoa Highway for well over an hour during the evening of Wednesday. May13th, 2015.

Alcoa Police Sargent. said the semi truck, hauling thousands of pounds of aluminum, had an apparent equipment malfunction, causing the rig’s trailer to break loose, flip over and dump the aluminum coils in the middle of Alcoa Highway.

The accident happened around 6:50 p.m. Wednesday as the truck rounded the sharply curving onramp from Hunt Road onto Alcoa Highway. Alcoa Police responded minutes later, and shut down traffic northbound so construction crews could remove the aluminum from the road and from the grass on the edge of the ramp.

Traffic headed north and coming into Alcoa from side roads met with considerable delays. At 8:30 p.m., lines of cars were still moving slowly down intersecting arteries as crews collected the last of the heavy coils. No one was hurt in the incident.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog is grateful that no one was injured in this incident. One of the editors has traveled on this highway and are amazed that no one was injured.

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