Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Its a Jungle Out There!

Overtime workers can tune out the safety message that aluminium companies are putting forth. Keeping workers attention and involvement is a challenge to many in our industry. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has had the opportunity of visiting dozens upon dozens of plants around the world. Through our travels we have seen what the best aluminium companies do to keep workers involved in safety. Here is a recent story of one of the best:
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), one of the world’s leading aluminium smelters, demonstrated its commitment to promote greater safety awareness across the plant with the launch of the plant-wide Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Week “Safety Jungle” Campaign on June 11, 2015.

The SHE Week opening ceremony was attended by Alba Board Directors, Dr. Mohamed Kameshki, and Fahad Nasser Al-Hazzani, along with Executive Management, Alba Labour Union, representatives from the Ministry of Interior.

The Safety Jungle Week, which will conclude on June 18, 2015, includes a wide range of events targeting employees across the plant and will cover address various safety topics including Traffic Safety, Home Safety, Hygiene, Accident Prevention, Waste, and Safe Fasting.

Explaining more about the “Safety Jungle” SHE Week, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray said:
“At Alba Safety is our #1 priority and we believe Ownership of Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility. Our SHE campaigns are designed with a special theme to convey our safety messages and raise awareness. The main messages of the Safety Jungle are the following: 
1)      The Jungle is to remind us that there are risks/hazards all around us and we must always be aware.
2)      The Bahrain Summer is very hot just like a Jungle.  Please watch your health and drink lots of water.
3)      Green is everywhere in a Jungle.  We want Alba Environment to be Green and Healthy like a Jungle.

Adding further, Chairman of Alba Labour Union, Ali Al Binali said:
“As we approach summer and Ramadan, we want everyone to stay safe at all times. We urge our workers to make the best of the educative and awareness sessions that will be held during the SHE Week.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog congratulates Aluminium Bahrain for all of their good work. Alba has taken a leadership role in our industry in many areas, most importantly safety. They have also done such a great job in promoting safety to their workers and to their surrounding community. Keep up the good work!

The Aluminium International Today magazine had a recent interview with Alba CEO Tim Murray. Here is the interview.

There is no doubt the passion that Tim has for safety. It is impossible to calculate how many injuries and fatalities that he and his team have prevented within Alba. In addition, Tim's visibility and actively promoting safety has not only benefited Alba but our industry too. Keep up the good work Tim and Alba, the world is watching, and we love what you are doing!

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