Friday, June 26, 2015

Keep up the good work Valco !

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog is very proud of our industry for a multitude of reasons. Through our travels across the globe we have viewed the amount of support plants in our industry provide to local community organizations. That support is rarely heard about from outside the region. Here is a recent story:

The Volta Aluminium Company Ltd (VALCO) has donated medical supplies worth 7000 US dollars to the Korle Bu Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burns Centre during the week of June 21, 2015.

The supplies included Tonsil swab, Emergency roll (cotton wool), Crepe Bandage 6inches, Disposable gloves, Zinc oxide plaster 6inches, Vaseline gauze, liquid paraffin oil, Paracetamol suppositories, face mask and TED stocking.

Presenting the items, the board Chairman for the company, Professor George Armah stated that the medical supplies were to provide services to the June 3 fire and flood victims in line with the company’s corporate social responsibility. He said the company had always been responsive to situations like these and noted that, VALCO was having problems because of the current power crises.

VALCO is an aluminium smelter in Tema, which relies heavily on hydro electric power to run its five potlines to produce aluminium billets and ingots among others, for export and the local aluminium industry.

Prof. Armah said VALCO had followed closely the efforts being made by the government to solve the power crisis to enable the company to operate more of its potlines and be more responsive to help in situations like these.

A consultant for the plastic surgery department, Dr. Albert Painstil expressed appreciation to VALCO and stated that the centre was glad that the company was there to support in these trying times.

Dr Painstil further stated that, since the June 3 incident Ghanaians had been very supportive and this showed how Ghanaians were concerned about one another.

He stated further that support from corporate bodies and individuals had made patients more comfortable.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog congratulates Volta on their recent donation. There is no doubt that this donation will save lives. Keep up the good work!

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