Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Aluminium crucible transport wrecks.....

On a daily basis aluminium crucibles are transported over the road to nearby aluminium customers. The distances of these deliveries vary from a few kilometers to several hundred kilometers. The potential for an accident to occur to these trucks maybe low, but on occasion an accident can occur. Here is a recent story:

These shocking images show firefighters dousing a lorry and the molten aluminium it spilled after crashing and overturning on a motorway in Germany one day during the week of August 16, 2015.

The truck collided with the central reservation before tipping over, spilling three full containers of 800C liquid aluminium across the A1 near Schwerte, south of Dortmund in Germany.

The lorry and the road burst into flames but the driver made a miracle escape with only minor injuries.

Firemen were on the scene quickly to put out the fire, but the damage is likely to leave the road, which runs from the northern border with Denmark down to Luxembourg and north east France, closed until tomorrow afternoon.

According to local reports, the cause of the crash, which happened this afternoon, is not yet known.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog is glad that the truck driver “made a miracle escape with only minor injuries”. Not sure what the minor injuries were. Regardless, we hope and pray that he recovers fully from any of his physical and/or mental injuries.

There was an incident on October 26, 1986 in the USA where an aluminium crucible transport with 40,000 pounds of metal overturned on a road spill its contents on a vehicle. “Witnesses said the car was nearly encased in the hot metal before its gasoline tank exploded.The two occupants in the vehicle died, both were burned before recognition.

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1 comment:

  1. Poor people i work with metal mostly molten


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