Monday, December 7, 2015

molten metal explosion force 1000 to evacuate

The origin of our industry’s emphasis on safety can be traced to a horrific molten metal explosion that occurred at Reynolds Aluminium in Muscle Shoals, Alabama in September 11, 1967. From that one incident the aluminum companies back then under the direction of the Aluminum Association (USA) work together to research molten metal explosions. That cooperation between competitors back then was in many ways unprecedented. Insiders have said that the goal of making their companies, their plants and ultimately our industry safer was the focus. That effort had resulted in a better understanding of why molten metal explosions occur and how to mitigate them. Since then our industry has worked together on other safety issues most notably involving the testing of clothing fabric. This recent incident illustrates what can occur when a molten metal explosions occurs. Reinforcing the continued need for vigilance and the need for molten metal safety training in all plants that have this hazard.

Hundreds of workers covering the first turn in at least three companies in the industrial corridor located in a Mexican city were evacuated this afternoon after an explosion inside an aluminum company had occurred.

Unofficial reports from eyewitnesses mentioned that it was the explosion of one of the ovens, but that has not yet been confirmed by any authority.

The blast threw molten material into the air and hit the ceiling soffit of the company that immediately caught fire and spread flames over all the workers, who were evacuated immediately.

Civil Protection of the municipality reported no dead or injured people after the incident which caused a huge column of smoke could be seen from kilometers.

The possibility that other companies will reach the fire forced rescue workers to evacuate two other nearby business, approximate figures estimated the eviction of at least a thousand workers.

__________________Here is another news media article______________________

The fire in the aluminium company, mobilized three city fire squads, also caused the evacuation of more than 400 workers in nearby companies to avoid further risks, because in an oven made of cast aluminum reaction with the oil mixture to register an explosion causing the fire that destroyed the roof of the factory, so the huge column of smoke was viewed at a distance.

The report was received on Civil Protection and local fire department at 3:00 pm, to go fast attack unit, who saw the great column of smoke rising from the roof of the aluminum company, company responsible for smelting aluminum.
Deployed police and firefighters

The local director of Civil Protection, said the accident in the company came because the melting aluminum is recycled, but it contained too much oil and that raised the temperature in the oven.

Because the oven has exhaust gases, he said, had contact with oxygen (air) so the flame originated, but as he reached the ceiling and as the latter has acrylic, which was burned by that the large plume of smoke alerted the public.

He said this incident safety protocols were activated to extend the security perimeter of 800 meters around, with the support of their counterparts in two nearby towns, adding 60 persons, including three corporations, in addition to that used three pumps 300 thousand liters each to extinguish the blaze.

He said he also had the support of three local companies, even bringing their ambulances to care for those in need, noting that no injuries or intoxication were reported, but despite that it was necessary to evacuation of nearby companies.

Note the presence of Border police forces, the State Police and Investigative Police and GATE's, who remained on the lookout, although there was no need to evacuate the residents of nearby colonies.

It was 4:30 pm when it was declared safe to proceed to reenter the aluminium company by the Fire department, the aluminium workers, who chose to remain around this factory, returned for their belongings because the work was suspended.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog chose not to mention the company name nor location due to inconsistent reports of whether or not an explosion occurred. We believe an explosion occurred possibly from scrap contamination. We are thankful no one was injured in this incident. We hope that the aluminium company can repair the damage to the facility and any equipment and resume production quickly.

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