Friday, February 26, 2016

Keep up the good work Vedanta !

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog loves to posts positive stories involving safety in our industry. Why? Because our industry does so much good that it rarely reported in the news media. It seems that the news media reports incidents, and stories about the low lme. Rarely do we find a positive story about an aluminium company. If your plant or company has received an award, is having a safety day, etc. please tell the APSB. We’d love to write a post about it. Here is a recent story:

Odisha Diary bureau, Jharsuguda: Vedanta Limited, Jharsuguda embarked on a week long road safety awareness campaign from 10th January to 16th January 2016 to promote and inculcate road-safety consciousness among drivers, helpers, labourers, plant personnel and the community members at large at its plant premises. This 27th Road Safety Week is being observed with theme of the year “Road Safety - Time for Action". Today, the campaign began with a road-safety rally led by Mr.Dayanidhi Behera, Head-Aluminium Operation, Vedanta Jharsuguda wherein more than five hundred plant personnel, employees from partner agencies, drivers and labourers took part. The team walked down to the observation venue which was inaugurated by Mr. Behera along with Mr. D K Singh, Head HSE, Mr.GG Pal, Smelter-I Head and Mr.Ashutosh Dwivedi as other dignitaries from Vedanta, Jharsuguda in presence of a huge gathering of employees, drivers, helpers and labourers. At the venue, road safety pledge was administered to the attendees. Afterwards, the dignitaries shared their experiences and urged all to follow road-safety norms in and outside the plant premises with an aim to make the plant accident free. During the week-long programme safety awareness will be spearheaded in plant, township, peripheral villages, schools and Jharsuguda town through various activities like bike safety rally, drawing and slogan competition and safety training to truck drivers. To bring awareness among the plant personnel and the community at large, pamphlet distribution through ‘Sadak Surakshya Rath’ will be conducted in and outside the plant premises. The inauguration ceremony was coordinated by Mr. SK Srivastava, Head Fire and Safety, Smelter II and safety team, Vedanta, Jharsuguda in cooperation with the plant security team.

Congratulations to Vedanta on participating during “Road Safety Week”. The amount of deaths involving pedestrians, vehicles, etc. in India is very high. It is Vedanta’s hope that by participating in safety programs such as Road Safety Week that it will make their workers realize that safety is important outside the aluminium plant’s gates too. Keep up the good work!

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