Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sapa Delhi partners with local fire department for training. Great Job!

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog loves to post positive stories that occur in our industry. Here is a recent story:

Sapa Extrusion, in Delhi, Louisiana, USA recently partnered with local fire departments from Ward 1 and Delhi on confined space training and rescue.

There were 10 participants from Delhi and 10 from Ward One. This was excellent participation as these are both volunteer fire departments. Sapa had their cast house personnel involved. They shut production so employees could conduct the drill in the casting pit.

The drill was successful and both sides learned tremendously of what it takes to make this type of rescue. Many notes were taken and Sapa is working on the implementation of several ideas and requests. Once the company completes this, they will host another drill to test new ideas and requests.

This story is yet again an example of an aluminium plant not only making their workplace safer but their surrounding community too. We commend Sapa Delhi for this training exercise. We also acknowledge that without the support of the management of Sapa corporate this exercise would not have occurred.

Not only did the aluminium company learn from the local fire departments during this training exercise. The local fire departments learn from Sapa as well. That sharing of information is invaluable and will have lasting effects not only in this individual plant but outside their gates too.

So does your plant communicate with your local fire department? If not why? It is of the upmost importance that your plant has an open dialogue with whichever fire department(s) would respond to an emergency at your plant.

The Aluminium Times magazine had an article about the importance of including local fire departments in your training.

Keep up the good work Sapa! The industry is rightfully using your company, your plants to emulate in hopes of make a safer work environment.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and decent post. I found this much informative, as to what I was exactly searching for. Thanks for such post and please keep it up.
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