Wednesday, July 27, 2016

fatality during crane maintenance

We firmly believe that every incident can be a learning experience. It is our sincere hope that the incidents we post (and every incident we do not post) are never repeated. Here is an incident that we pray is never repeated:

A maintenance worker died during the month of May 2016, while performing maintenance of a crane in South America.

The deceased worker had been employed for a short period of time at the aluminium company prior to the incident. The local union stated that the worker had experience prior to his employment at the aluminium company working in central maintenance for a steel company. Union leaders have been informed that, at the time of the incident the mechanic was doing tests on the crane. When a steel cable which is on the bridge of the crane grabbed his safety harness. Also according to the union, the victim had fractured rib and punctured lung. He was taken to a nearby hospital and succumbed to his injuries.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers.

We are at a loss of words on what to type regarding this incident. All indications are that the worker had followed all the safety procedures. But, somehow his safety harness was grabbed by a cable being wound up. We can only pray that everyone who reads this posting will remember it and never, ever allow their safety harness to be grabbed by a piece of machinery.

Please comment.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God. My sincere condolence to the worker's family. We should be very careful while doing crane servicing and maintenance to avoid these situations.


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