Friday, September 23, 2016

Fire at carbon plant.....

We apologize for the delay in posting, our travel and family schedule has impacted our posting. Regardless, here is a recent incident of a plant fire. We chose to name the company and location to acknowledge that the best of companies, the best of plants occasionally have fires. When a fire breaks out these plants follow their emergency management plan and quickly resolve the issue. Here is the story:

A fire at the Alcoa Intalco Works aluminum smelter led to a major emergency response Thursday afternoon, Sept. 22.

Crews from four fire districts, as well as Alcoa’s own fire crews, were called to the scene at 4050 Mountain View Road around 4 p.m. Light smoke was reported coming from a building at the facility.

No one was injured, said a spokesman for Alcoa. Within minutes, the flames were contained, and plant production was not impacted, he said.

So far no other details have been released about the extent of the fire or damage to the facility.
The smelter, four miles west of Ferndale, employs about 640 people.

Here is another story:


The communications director for Alcoa, told Discover Ferndale the fire has been contained and there have been no injuries reported. Intalco firefighters contacted Whatcom County Fire District 7 for assistance in controlling the fire. According to communications director for Alcoa, Plant production has not been impacted.
Persons familiar with the facility said the carbon plant was the location of the fire.
Several fire units from multiple Whatcom County Fire District 7 fire stations responded to Intalco Works about 4pm today. Light smoke arising from one of the buildings could be seen.
The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog congratulates Alcoa Intalco and the outside fire departments that responded to the fire. This plant was built in 1966 and no doubt has developed over the years a working relationship with the outside fire departments. Developing a mutual relationship is paramount on getting quick response times and mitigating injuries to fireman who maybe unfamiliar with your plant environment.
Keep up the good work Alcoa Intalco 

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