Monday, November 7, 2016

Keep up the good work Bell Bay Aluminium !

Searching for a 'casualty' at Bell Bay Aluminium

The importance of emergency response training in our plants cannot be minimized. Many of our plants have training exercises that involve outside companies and local emergency management services. It is these companies who are better prepared to respond when an incident occurs. In addition many aluminium plants assist local companies in times of need. Here is a recent story of how one aluminium company participating in a training exercise.

In Bell Bay Aluminium's decommissioned alumina kiln there's a search for a miner who's missing.

That was one of the scenarios Minerals Emergency Response Teams faced at their annual skills competition on Saturday, October 29, 2016.

Six teams from Tasmania's main mines and smelters worked through a series of arduous tests at the state emergency response competition.

As well as the search and rescue simulation, teams were tested on first aid and fire fighting skills, safety theory, and a high rope rescue from a crane.

Bell Bay Aluminium's team working with ropes and first aid equipment, to lower a casualty safely to the ground.
Chairman of the Minerals Emergency Response committee Ben Maynard said it was the first time highly realistic simulated emergency situations had been staged at the Bell Bay industrial precinct.

"A number of tests put them under pressure and on the spot to test their ability," Mr Maynard said. "So, underground mining, open pit mining, smelters, heavy processing plants... they're using gas, electricity, they're dealing with chemicals.

"There's a really broad section and diversity in the industry."

Faith and comradeship strengthened by safety team training and competition

Bell Bay Aluminium's team attempt to rescue a casualty 15 metres up using this EWP scissor lift.

The competition included staff from west coast mines at Savage River, Queenstown, and Rosebery, the underground Cornwall Coal mines near the east coast, and a minerals processor in Hobart with ready access to ambulance, fire and emergency services.

As well as the teams from each Tasmanian mine and smelter, the industry's Mutual Aid Composite Team also competed.

Bell Bay Aluminium's competition co-ordinator, Tim Bowden, said the shared experience of competition increased trust across the industry, as well as safety skills.

"The whole concept is about mutual aid, from working with the other teams at other sites," Mr Bowden said.

Ropes rescue adjudicator Rex Johnson checks one of the teams attempting a rescue from a 15 metre crane.

"Everybody's got their different procedures and things, but I think it's the camaraderie.

"We've all got our basic skills, but then when you're put into a team of different people, you've got to start to organise yourself, get yourself set up and then get into it."

For adjudicator Rex Johnson, working at heights with ropes and an EWP scissor lift was one of the best scenarios to test teams.

He said each team had 40 minutes to work with ropes and first aid equipment to lower a casualty safely to the ground from a 15-metre platform.

Steve Rush from Bluestone Mines Rescue said the annual competition gave his mates a real opportunity to build on safety in the workplace and strengthen mateship as well.

Bluestone Mines Rescue team are trying to rescuing a missing miner in this crisis scenario.

"Part of what they do is learning new skills, but a lot of it is comradeship," Mr Rush said.

"Getting your faith within each other is a real skills thing, and getting people to have faith in the site that they work at.

Grange Resources was the overall winner with Cornwall Coal the runner-up in the 2016 competition.

Congratulations to Bell Bay Aluminium and every company that participated. Not only are they making their individual workplaces safer, they are making their state safer. We know next year you will win this competition. Keep up the good work.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Good work Bell Bay Aluminium, but I think, is it good for future and most of the people believe on Aluminium composite material because they think this is the best way to keep your work good.


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