Monday, November 14, 2016

Keep up the good work Profile Custom Extrusions....

From L-R : Elton Freeman, IT Engineer, Gary King, Quality Coordinator, Danny Thomas, VP of Engineering, Mike Simpson, VP of Manufacturing, and David Newby, Division President.

Every company in our industry strives to make their workplace safe. How they work to accomplish that goal varies. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog loves to hear about aluminium companies that are making a difference in their goal for a safe work environment. Here is a recent story.

On August 21, 2016, Profile Custom Extrusions successfully completed one year without a lost time accident. This is a huge accomplishment for the employees of Profile.
“I want to commend every employee for the efforts put forth to achieve this great goal. This accomplishment did not just happen on its own.  It took a conscious effort on the part of each employee to work in a safe manner” says Division President, David Newby.
In honor of this achievement, the company celebrated with a steak lunch for all employees, cooked and served by the senior management team.
The APSB congratulates Profile Custom Extrusions. We love to post stories like this. It is our hope that aluminium companies will read this post and say "Hey look what Profile Custom did, we can do that too!". 

If your plant has reached a safety milestone please drop us a note. 

Keep up the good work Profile Custom Extrusion!

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