Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Keep up the Great Work Univ. of Alabama's College of Eng. Foundry!

Our industry has to compete for the next generation of workers against many other industries. On our tours we have the opportunity and to meet with human resource managers and hear the struggles that they have in either recruiting workers or competing for workers. Outreach from high schools, and colleges is very important if we want to attract the best and brightest in our industry. We can no longer make the assumption that the qualified worker will find our industry. Here is a recent story of a university in the USA promoting our industry, one aluminium elephant at a time.

Each years, students in an introductory course on metallurgical engineering and materials learn about metal casting through small, aluminium elephants cast at the College of Engineering Foundry on campus.

The posting above was from December 2016. We congratulate the University of Alabama's College of Engineering Foundry. We immediately observed the personnel protection equipment and smiled at the safety clothing. Sadly the APSB has posted incidents at Universities involving molten metal explosions. Keep up the good work 'Bama!

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