Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fire breaks out....building destroyed...

The importance of following your training and evacuating when called to is highlighted in this recent story.

A portion of a building being used by an aluminium extrusion company burned one morning during the week of March 12, 2017, causing extensive damage to the structure, but no one was injured in the blaze.

The aluminium extrusion company had been leasing the structure for the past few months.

“We got in here before Christmas,” said president of the company. “We’re using it to build some new production lines that will eventually be in our new plant here that we’re building, also in our plant in (USA) and (overseas).”

There were full-time workers in the building at the time of the fire, which was called in around 8:30 a.m., but everyone made it out safely.

“We had some engineers, some maintenance people, and some operators too, but everyone made it out,” company president said.

“The roof is ruined, but the contents, I hope, are salvageable,” said local fire chief.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog is pleased that all the workers in this facility were able to evacuate safely when the fire broke out. We repeatedly hound on the importance of quick evacuation. Why? Because we know the names of the workers who (for whatever reason) did not make it out of an aluminium plant when a fire broke out. Sad but true.

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