Sunday, June 18, 2017

"coil (falls) ... causing serious injuries to two employees"

In the history of the Aluminium Plant Safety Blog we cannot think of a department that has been immune to accidents. When we have the opportunity to speak to factory floor workers we state that no matter what department someone works in they too can be injured if they fail to follow their training, skip steps, and/or make assumptions. For some it is hard to accept that they can be injured. That failure in acceptance is rooted in myriad of reasons. The most common is a false safety belief. The idea that because of their past history of no incidents one discounts or downplays the hazard(s). Here is a recent incident:

Very few details are being released regarding an industrial accident at an aluminium plant in the USA. Officials at the local Fire Department confirm that two men were injured around 10am on morning during the week of May 7, 2017.

Units responded to the aluminium plant after reports of steel coil falling and causing serious injuries to two employees. The two men were taken to hospitals 100 kilometers away, and there is no word on their condition and names are not being released at this time.

We pray that the injured workers recover fully from their injuries. We assume that the news media article incorrectly listed a “steel coil” versus correctly an aluminium coil. Regardless, the APSB has posted numerous incidents involving aluminium coils. Even though we wish we knew more about this incident, we don’t at this time. All we can do is pray for the injured, and hope that we will know more about exactly what happened in the near future. Why do we want to know? Because, with knowledge of an incident we can hopefully prevent the incident from being repeated.

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