Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"13 fire trucks respond to roof fire...."

The importance of having a relationship with local fire departments has been highlighted in posts on the Aluminium Plant Safety Blog. In the worst case scenario where fire departments and aluminium companies have limited or no relationship we have posted incidents where fireman were killed responding to incidents in our industry. We have reported on numerous incidents where the fire department was unsure of the hazards in an aluminium plant and decided to contain the fire. Resulting in the factory being allowed to burn down to its foundation.

Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD) units responded to a reported commercial structure fire at Kaiser Aluminum at approximately 7:30 this evening. The first arriving unit observed smoke coming from the roof area over the electric ingot furnaces in the north end of the plant. The incident was immediately uprgraded which brought additional suppression units to the scene.

Due to the large scale of the plant, several units entered the building with their vehicles and drove to an area adjacent to the fire, while maintaining a safe distance, to better assess the location and severity of the problem. SVFD aerial ladder units made their way to the roof from outside the structure and cut a 10 foot x 20 foot hole for access, located the fire and then applied water in adequate amounts to extinguish the smoldering material, but also in small enough amounts to avoid causing damage to costly electrical equipment directly below.

A total of 13 apparatus, including command and support vehicles responded to the scene, as well as one Spokane Fire Department unit which was released prior to being assigned.

The fire is currently under investigation with an undetermined amount of damages. No injuries were reported.

The Spokane Valley Fire Department would like to remind residents that fires can happen anywhere and for a very large variety of reasons. Situational awareness is a valuable skill to develop whether at home or at your place of employment. Pay attention to what is happening around you, not only could your awareness prevent the destruction of property, but could also save lives.

We are glad that no one was injured in this incident. We do not take it for granted that no injuries occurred during this incident. We use this specific plant as an example of what one should do regarding being proactive with their communication with the local fire departments. The Aluminoum Times included this specific plant on an article. It can be downloaded here.

Keep up the good work Kaiser Trentwood ! We are very so proud of you. It is only through your hard work and ongoing safety programs that this incident turned out as it did, with zero injuries.

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