Thursday, March 15, 2018

"an explosion.. left an employee dead and another injured."

Here is a recent incident involving a fire in bin at a specialty recycling company.

Multiple agencies are investigating an explosion in a town in the United States that left an employee dead and another injured. The explosion happened a specialty recycling company. Firefighters and first responders received a report about the explosion just after 4:30 p.m.

The injured person is in intensive care at a nearby hospital. The details about their injuries are not known at this time.

Fire officials say the explosion caused structural damage to the building. According to the local fire department a person was trapped and an urban search and rescue unit was called to the scene.
"There were eight people present at this location...we did have a fatality." said District Fire Chief.
The president of the company said he is currently on his way to the plant from the corporate office across the country m to help determine what caused this explosion.

"I was told there was a small fire before the explosion. Our manager went to the hospital to talk to our employee there and that's what he told him. That there was a fire in the aluminum bin, and he put a fire extinguisher on it. It's just heartbreaking. I've never had anything like this happen before." said the ceo of the recycling company.
Witnesses told us they heard and felt what seemed like an explosion in that area. "From what I heard, it was just one giant boom. We were in a warehouse and it has concrete floors and the floor shook," said a nearby factory worker.

The Occupational and Safety Health Administration and other agencies are investigating to determine what caused the explosion.

We anticipate learning more from this incident in the near future and update as needed. In the meantime we pray for the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We pray for a full recovery of the injured worker. We hope that the injured worker will be given any mental health counseling to deal with this ordeal.

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