Thursday, March 1, 2018

trucker loses control....

The transportation of molten metal from our plants to customers occurs without incident on daily basis. But, occasionally there is an incident that shocks our local communities about the potential hazard that passes by them on a daily basis. Here is a recent story.

Here a semitrailer had strayed to the right from the road and overturned in Europe during the week of February 25, 2018. On the trailer were three boilers filled with liquid aluminum. From one of these, the aluminum flowed on the road and spread on both lanes. 

The 32-year-old truck driver was slightly injured in the traffic accident. Since the salvage and cleaning measures have made extremely difficult, the A 38 was also on Tuesday, temporarily blocked in both directions. Investigations into the accident as well as the further procedure continue. The resulting damage is estimated at just under 270,000, - €, the extent of the damage to the roadway cannot yet be estimated.

We pray that the truck driver recovers from his injuries. We acknowledge that the two of the three crucibles worked as designed and did not leak. It appears that the the crucible that leaked was damaged from the hard roadway. In our opinion if the truck overturned on the shoulder none of the crucibles would have leaked. The Aluminium Times had an article about this topic in the past.

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