Thursday, August 16, 2018

300 workers evacuate as fire strikes anodizing line...

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has talked about the importance of planning for emergency evacuations. Here is a recent story that we are ecstatic turned out without any injuries:

The events were recorded near 8:00 am one morning during the week of  July 29, 2018 in the company Indalum S.A de C.V in Mexico. A dense plume of smoke caused alarm among the inhabitants of the surrounding sectors and the mobilization of the bodies of Civil Protection and Fire. 

The deputy operational director of Civil Protection confirmed that there were no people injured and that the incident was under control. They confirmed that the fire started at 7:30 in the anodized area, where the metals are painted. But until now the causes are unknown. It was reported that the protocols were followed in the event of an accident and the staff was assembled in an area where they were out of danger. On the site, maneuvers were carried out by state and municipal civil protection elements, as well as fire engines from Nuevo León, San Nicolás and police. 

We congratulate Indalum of the quick and safe evacuation of 300 workers when the fire broke out. The news article stated that the personnel met in the assembly area(s) outside the plant. Which is what you should do. 

On our plant visits we always ask where the assembly areas are. When was the last time your plant or office had an evacuation? If you cannot recall quickly then it has been too long.  The Aluminium Times Magazine had an article about evacuations. It can be downloaded here

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