Thursday, November 8, 2018

crane moved knocking worker off of high lift.....

The unexpected movement of equipment during repair injures and kills many workers every year in our industry. Here is a recent incident emphasizing the need to ensure that moveable equipment cannot move when maintenance is being performed.

A crane knocked a worker from a scissor lift, and he died from the fall inside aluminium plant early one morning during the week November 4, 2018. The local county coroner said as she discussed the worker’s autopsy results.

The fall caused blunt force injuries to worker’s torso, which resulted in his death, county coroner said of the autopsy and its preliminary findings which was held two days after the incident.

The worker was in a scissor lift performing maintenance on a crane when it shifted, and knocked him out of the lift, the coroner said.

The worker was wearing a safety harness, but it didn't stop his fall, she said.

The scissor lift which the worker was standing on did not topple with him when the crane shifted, the coroner said.

Medical, fire and police agencies were called to the aluminium plant about 1:15 a.m. because of the worker’s fall.

He was rushed to a local hospital from the plant, but he died from his injuries, according to police.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the industrial accident, the coroner confirmed.

We offer our sincere condolences the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers.

The news media article does provide some useful information but omits if the worker’s safety harness was attached to a fixed point. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted numerous incidents where a worker did not properly attach their safety harness to a fixed location that failed.

We pray that the readers will print this story out and talk about this incident with their workers who wear safety harness while performing tasks.

The Aluminium Times had an article about safety harnesses. It can be downloaded here.

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