Thursday, April 4, 2019

" fire in the furnace became out-of-control..."

The APSB has posted incidents involving furnace incidents in the past here is a recent story:

Four fire crews tackled a blaze at an aluminium plant in England in the early hours one morning during the week of March 24, 2019.

Firefighters from four different stations were called to the aluminium company, at 3.43am after a fire in the furnace became out-of-control, a spokesman for one of the responding Fire and Rescue departments said.

Crews left the scene at 5.08am and the fire started accidentally, one of the responding Fire and Rescue department’s spokesmen said he added.

This was the only news article that we found on this incident. It omits if there was an injury. We make the assumption that there was no injuries to either aluminium workers or fire fighters.

We acknowledge the news media and subsequent photo provide little information on this incident. We will update this information as it comes forward.

Regardless, it is recommended that every plant with a furnace train their workers on how to handle all sorts of incidents involving. Including but not limited to molten metal spills, fires, etc. Lastly, we recommend that every plant reach out to their local fire department and begin a dialogue. The dialogue should lead to a plant tour of the fire department.

Please comment.


  1. Was this a fire resulting from dross being skimmed from the furnace "thermiting"? Has any other cause been identified

  2. Unfortunately, we do not know the reason of the fire. We have reached out to the company itself for answers. If they respond we will update the post.


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