Monday, June 10, 2019

"He suffered burns, including at the back of the head....."

This protective snood may have prevented this workers injuries
The importance of wearing protective clothing around molten metal is understood. Here is a recent story that could have been worse if the worker was not wearing the appropriate clothing.

Newspaper headline “A water pipe bursts, as a result, hot metal splashes around. A man suffers burns. His protective clothing prevents worse.”

An accident occurred in Germany one morning at an aluminium company. According to police, a 63-year-old worker was standing next to a tub in which liquid aluminum was running. Suddenly a water pipe burst behind him due to a defect and the jet of water shot into the tub with the aluminum. As a result, the hot metal splashed into the immediate area.

The worker was hit with molten metal He suffered burns, including at the back of the head. The police says that they are probably second-degree burns. The man came to a nearby hospital for further treatment with the ambulance service. Just because he wore protective clothing, he was not hurt more seriously.

We pray that this injured worker recovers fully from his injuries. We hope that the aluminium company will provide the injured worker the necessary physical therapy as well as mental health counseling that the worker will need in the future.

The photo we attached is of “snood” which should be worn by workers near molten metal. It protects the back of the neck and the inside of the back of the shirt for molten metal entering.

Two great companies that sell PPE equipment can be found at Silver Needle Clothing (link) and Steel Grip Inc (link).

We pray that every blog post is used to make our industry safer. That is our goal. That is why we post these stories. So, please take this story and ask your foundry, casthouse, etc. if your personnel are required to wear snoods? If not your workers should.

Please comment.

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