Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"railway siding area wherein a worker lost his life...." UPDATED

Many of our aluminium plants are serviced by railroads. On a daily basis hundreds if not thousands or railcars are moved inside our facilities with no incidents. Unfortunately, incidents to occur and emphasize the hazard of moving railcars in our facilities.

A worker was found dead at the railway siding area on the plant premises of an aluminium company in India in July 2019. The worker has been identified and was employed in the plant by a logistics outsourcing agency.

Although he was taken to a local clinic and then rushed to a nearby hospital, doctors declared him dead.

While it is believed that he was engaged in coupling and decoupling of bogies at the railway siding where he met with an accident, the exact reason behind the accident is not known yet.

An official statement from aluminium company said, there was an unfortunate incident at the plant premises in the railway siding area wherein a worker lost his life. The exact cause of the incident is under investigation. “We stand with the family of the deceased and will extend all possible support to them,” it added.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker and his family, friends, and coworkers. It does not matter in our opinion that the deceased worker was employed by an outside contractor. The incident occurred on the premises of an aluminium company. We hope that the aluminium company will use its leverage to investigate properly on what occurred and ensure steps are taken to prevent a recurrence.


The aluminium company released the following statement this week: 

"The fatality actually happened when the electrification of the railway line was going on," he said and explained that "this man was a lineman (disengages the engine with the wagon) and in that process he made some judgemental calls which led to this accident". 

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