Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"fractured tibia, 3 fingers amputated...."

We recently gave a presentation on recent incidents in smelters to a smelter safety department. Afterwards, we noted how many instances occurred in the late night or early morning. Why do so many instances occur at night? One theory is that there is less supervision at night versus during the day. Workers are more willing to skip steps, make assumptions, etc. Regardless, of the reasons no matter the time during the day workers have to remember the importance of always following their training. Here is a recent story involving the aftermath of an incident where workers’ failed to follow their training.

A firm has been fined more than £130,000 after one of its workers had to have the tips of three of his fingers amputated following an industrial accident.

The man was carrying out maintenance on a machine at an aluminium company in England. He also suffered a serious leg injury when he was hit by a spare part as it was being fitted to the machine.

The Health and Safety Executive, (HSE), prosecuted the firm, which produces aluminium products, and the case was heard at a local Magistrates’ Court one day during the first week of November 2019.

The court heard the worker and four of his colleagues were replacing a part in the machine during a late shift in May 2018. The man was operating an overhead crane when the spare part fell on him, striking him on his hand and leg.

His injuries were so serious that surgeons deemed it necessary to amputate the tops of three of his fingers. He also suffered a fractured tibia. He was off work for several months but has returned to the company.

The HSE released details of the hearing. It said no risk assessment had been carried out for the task and that the employees had not been adequately trained.

The firm pleaded guilty to breaching Sections 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and have been fined £133,000 and ordered to pay costs of £6,346.

Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector said: “Those in control of work have a responsibility to devise safe methods of working and to provide the necessary information, instruction and training to their workers in the safe system of working.

“Companies should be aware that HSE will not hesitate to take appropriate action against those that fall below the required standards”.

The aluminium company’s finance director told the (newspaper) the failings identified in the course of the HSE investigation had been addressed. The aluminium company’s finance director said: "We apologise for the failure on that evening to meet the high standards we set ourselves.

"Thankfully, the member of staff was able to recover and returned to work at the end of 2018. "He remains a valued member of the company and has returned to his former job in a full capacity. "Unfortunately, on the night in question the standards and processes we have in place fell short.

"We pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and engaged with the Health and Safety Executive to investigate this and to improve our processes - and this was acknowledged by the court."

We pray that the worker recovers fully from his injuries. Obviously the worker will recall this incident every time the individual uses the hand with three fingers partially amputated.

We pray that this incident will stand as a constant reminder to this aluminium plant on what can occur when you do not follow the training. These workers were trained to take a risk assessment prior to performing a task. It appears that this incident occurred during the maintenance of a machine. It is imperative that risk assessments be undertaken prior to maintenance procedures. This incident may not have occurred if a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the maintenance work being performed.

Lastly, we do want to comment regarding the company's actions after the incident. The company immediately worked with HSE to investigate the root cause and accept responsibility. 

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