Sunday, March 29, 2020

aluminium plant announces worker tested positive for Covid-19

Over the course of 4-5 months our world has changed dramatically with the spread of the Covid-19 virus. At the moment over 1 billion people are sheltering in their homes. Many non-essential businesses have been shuttered in countries hardest hit by this virus. Our industry in many countries has been classified as an “essential business” and many of our plants have remained open. Those plants have an additional challenge of mitigate the hazard of Covid 19. Here is a recent story emphasizing the real hazard our plants are dealing with today:

An aluminium plant in the USA reported that it has had an employee test positive for COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, and has been working with the local County Health Department to respond.

The aluminium plant spokesperson told local news media about the positive test in an email one day during the week of March 22, adding that the health department has advised the plant that “our protocols are appropriate to mitigate risks at our facility, as the county is currently experiencing community transmission.”

The aluminium plant employs over 500+ workers. The aluminium plant is part of the Critical Manufacturing Section, as defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, aluminium plant spokesperson said. That means it will continue operating during (their state’s) “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order, which began at 12:01 a.m. Thursday, March 26.

Aluminium plant spokesperson said that during the past two weeks, (aluminum plant)has worked to protect employees and the facility from the risks of COVID-19 by practicing good social distancing and instituting additional hygiene protocols.

The local County Health Department reported that 66 residents have tested positive for COVID-19 in numbers released this week. Two County residents that tested positive have died.

We pray that the inflected worker recovers fully from the virus. We pray that the inflected worker did not transmit the virus to anyone else.

We have been asked to write about the COVID-19 virus and in our research we were informed of the following publication. It can be downloaded here

Many government safety organizations are releasing educational information. We also found that some large hospital organizations have also released information. One such organization is John Hopkins Hospital in the USA. Their link is here.  Lastly, the Centers for Disease control in the USA link for safety information pertaining toward the COVID-19 virus can be found here.

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