Friday, April 10, 2020

two more tested positive for a total of 6 workers with Covid-19

We are posting news articles involving our industry involving Covid-19 to bring awareness to this hazard. One only has to look at a global map of areas infected to see that there are localized areas that have not been affected. It is our fear that these localized areas will have the attitude that “it won’t come here”. Because it can and sadly probably will. Here is a recent news article from the week April 5, 2029.

Union officials said two more plant workers at an aluminium plant have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total to six.

More than 30 are under precautionary quarantine and a half-dozen test results are pending.

Union officials say now 6 CORONAVIRUS cases reported among plant workers at the (aluminium company) plant, more than 30 under precautionary quarantine and half--dozen test results pending.

It was reported last week that four employees at the (city name) aluminum facility had tested positive for COVID-19.

We pray that the injured workers recover fully from their illnesses. We pray also that the inflected workers follow their doctors’ and safety professionals’ instructions on quarantining themselves.

Lastly, we do want to state that we firmly believe our industry as well as any other industry that is still operating has the opportunity to educate their workers now in terms of education regarding COVID-19. That is very important. We know first hand how many plants in our industry are educating their workers. Keep up the good work.


We have just informed another worker has tested positive for Covid-19. Now seven (7) workers have been infected.

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