Friday, July 31, 2020

"Four items, similar to ammonite bombs, got to the plant..."

The overall process from turning bauxite to alumina to aluminium requires a lot of energy. Starting with bauxite the use of explosives is commonplace during mining process. The control of these explosives should be strictly regulated. Here is an incident where a few sticks of explosive went unaccounted for:


Several ammonite sticks have been found at the an aluminum plant in a city Asia. The workers of the alumina shop were evacuated. Rescuers and police arrived at the scene, an eyewitness to the event told the local news media.


The local government confirmed the fact of the incident. “Four items, similar to ammonite bombs, got to the plant in a railway carriage along with soda from the (from a nearby by region), where it is mined and crushed with explosives at one of the alumina refineries. This substance is subsequently used in the manufacture of metals. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that during the next crushing, some of the dangerous objects did not explode and fell into the. On this fact, a check is being carried out, based on the results of which an informed decision will be made,  the spokesperson for the regional government.


According to the spokeswoman for the regional government, in anticipation of the arrival of (bomb explosive technicians) from a city 100 km away, local police cordoned off the find, created a security zone.


“One day during January 2020, while unloading a carriage, ammonite bombs were found. For safety reasons, the workers were evacuated and the building was de-energized. The special services were called to the scene. There are no casualties, the enterprise is operating normally, ”the press service of the aluminium company told the local news media.


We are so very thankful that no one was injured in this incident. 


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