Sunday, August 16, 2020

"removing the body .... took about two hours"


Many incidents that we have posted over the past eight years repeat. When that happens we are sad because it means another injury or another fatality. Here is a recent story where the safety mechanism on the machinery was disengaged.

A factory worker died after his hand and head were stuck on a mold making machine in an incident at a factory in South-East Asia, early one morning during the week of August 2, 2020.

A spokesman for the local Fire and Rescue Department Operations Center said in the incident at 4am, the victim (name omitted) died at the scene after suffering serious injuries due to being stuck on the machine.

"Firefighters received an emergency call informing that there was a factory worker stuck in a mold making machine and a fire brigade immediately rushed to the location before carrying out rescue work," he said in a statemnt today.

According to him, the fire brigade took about two hours to remove the victim but the man was confirmed dead by the medical team of the (government organization who was also at the factory to assist in the operation to rescue the worker.

He said the rescue operation ended at 6.32 am and the victim's body was sent to a local Hospital for autopsy.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We our sincere condolences to his pregnant fiancé. We pray that this incident is used to prevent a future tragedy from occurring.

We do not know why nor how the safety mechanism was disabled on this machine. We do not know if the safety mechanism was disabled on purpose or by accident. Nevertheless, the safety mechanism did not work and contributed to the worker being trapped and killed.

We implore all workers to never disengage a safety mechanism. If they find a safety device not working to stop and ask for assistance to get the device corrected. We will update this story as more information is put forth.

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